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Generosity changes lives and demonstrates our understanding that God is the provider of everything.

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Why We Give

Money and church can be a touchy issue - but it doesn't have to be. We don't give because God needs our money, and we don't give because the church needs our money.

It's much bigger than that. We give because God asked us to and following through shows that we trust Him.

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Gross Paycheck:


Why We Give

Money and church can be a touchy issue - but it doesn't have to be. We don't give because God needs our money, and we don't give because the church needs our money.

It's much bigger than that. We give because God asked us to and following through shows that we trust Him.

Giving Calculator

Gross Paycheck:


Help With
Your Finances

We understand that everyone is at a different stage in the giving journey. We're here to help.

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